Who Has To Take The Australian Citizenship Test?

Australian citizenship is a privilege with enormous rewards to individuals who take the step up from permanent residency. By becoming a citizen, you will be joining a unique national community that celebrates diversity while striving for a unified and harmonious nation. Even so, that means you will have to take the Australian Citizenship Test, which aims to promote social cohesion and smooth integration into the Australian community.

Format of and facts about the official Australian citizenship test

Take the citizenship testThe Australian citizenship test consists of 20 questions drawn from three chapters of the official resource book- Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond. That includes Australia and its people that help you understand Australian history and geography. You will also be tested on your knowledge of the values, beliefs, freedoms, and rights protected by Australian law. Furthermore, Australia is a constitutional monarchy but is still deemed a liberal democracy. Hence, you will be assessed on your know-how of the processes of laws and the branches of government.

The test is conducted in the English language only and is entirely computer-based, but in some instances, you can write on paper. It should be done in 45 minutes, and your results will be revealed immediately after you finish the test. The passing score is 75% or 15 out of the 20 questions, and if you fail, you can take the test on the same day or a later date, but you won’t pay for the re-test if you failed.

Who has to sit for the Australian citizenship test?

There are specific groups of people who have to sit for Australian citizenship, including:

Permanent residents- permanent residents who wish to become Australian nationals have to sit for the test. Also, if you are between the age of 18 and 59 on the day you apply for citizenship by conferral, sitting for the test is a mandatory requirement for gaining nationality. Even so, your eligibility ought to be checked, and your identity verified first at an interview before the test.

Spouses and partners- Australian law does not provide for an automatic right to citizenship to spouses and partners of Australian citizens. This category of individuals has to apply for citizenship, meet the eligibility criteria on their merits, and sit for the citizenship test.

The exceptions:

Not everyone has to sit for the Australian citizenship test. The exceptions include:

  • Anyone below 18 or above 60 years at the time of application
  • If you were born in Papua before 16th September 1975 by an Australian by birth citizen
  • If you are a stateless person born in Australia and are not entitled to another country’s citizenship
  • If one of your parents was a former Australian citizen who lost citizenship automatically because they became citizens of another country when they were adult
  • If you have substantial cognitive impairment or physical disability such as permanent loss of speech, hearing, or sight that hinders your ability to take the test
  • If you were born by a permanent resident within the Australian borders

Why you have to sit and pass the Australian citizenship test

The Australian citizenship test is a crucial part of ensuring that you can participate fully as a citizen in the Australian community and maximize all opportunities available for you. So, all migrants who desire the Australian nationality need to sit and pass the citizenship test to show that:

  • You have a basic knowledge of the English language
  • You understand what it means in becoming an Australian citizen
  • You are familiar with Australia as a nation and the privileges and responsibilities of being a citizen

An essential note- being a multiple-choice test, the Australian citizenship test has 3 sets of possible answers (except for the true or false queries) for each question. These answers are very similar to each other, and that makes it challenging to pick the right answer. Chapter tests and simulation tests are hence extremely vital as they train you to distinguish the correct answer among similar choices.

On a final note

By sitting for and passing the Australian citizenship test about the heritage, culture, geography, and political structure of the nation is an essential step in achieving your dream. Becoming an Australian nationality means that you are dedicated to Australia and everything the country stands for. Besides, it proves that you understand the people, values, and beliefs of Australia.